Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Update from SFC David Broderick - Afghanistan Fatalities and Progress

Everyone, please remember our troops wherever they are around the world. I had the honor of serving with David in Iraq 2004/2005. His team has suffered a horrible loss, but they are bouncing back. Please read this message and keep them in your prayers. Thank you!

Sam Console
1LT, Combat Engineers, Disabled American Veteran

News link:

Email from SFC Broderick today:
Hello there folks,
Sorry it's been so long since my last update. June was a pretty busy (& crazy month). We started assisting with Shuras in some of our villages, trying to help the government legitimize itself, and also help the villages start to fix their own problems (and hopefully keep the Taliban out). A Shura is the Afghan tradition of the Elders sitting down and discussing issues & coming to a decision that everyone lives by. In this case, we are bringing the government official to the "table", and allowing the Elders to express their concerns, and diagram their needs. For the U.S., this would be a step towards the people taking ownership of their problems and not waiting for the Americans to fix it for them. In turn, allowing us to exit this country because we know that they have a handle on changing & securing their land.
As some of my Pittsburgh friends already know, I was back in the States for a short time from June 15-24 for less than excitable reasons. On June 11th I had 2 of my NCOs, and two damn fine leaders, killed in the Northen part of our province. SFC Robert J. Fike and SSG Bryan A. Hoover. They were murdered by a male dressed up in a Burqa (female dress) in the middle of the local Bazaar. It was a great and horrible shock for us, but we have recovered and are going to move honor our brothers' commitment & sacrifice. I came home as a representative of my PRT, to speak with the families, and be present at the funerals. Needless to say, it was a rough time all around. They will be sorely missed and their contributions not forgotten or taken for granted. I intend to make the district they worked so hard in earn my men's sacrifices.
All of that being said, I am, and my guys are, doing well. We are half way through, and we look forward to seeing our wonderful country again, even if there is 4 ft of snow. LOL I hope this message finds you well, and I wish you all a wonderful July 4th holiday.

All of my best


Accept what it is that you cannot change, and change what it is that you cannot accept

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